By Ember
I received an email newsletter from Dr. Mercola today that had an article about thyroid health in it. I wanted to pass it on. It is worth five minutes of your time as it hits some of the most important changes we can make along with our food intake. Our bodies' chemical balance is something worth major effort in keeping healthy. It controls everything!!! So whether you suspect you (or a loved one) is suffering from a type of chemical imbalance or are wise enough to want to prevent an imbalance, please check this informative article out.
In my quest to eliminate more chemicals and soy products (which is NOT a health inducing product unless fermented), I recently discovered a recipe for making my own facial moisturizer. I have struggled with acne since I was 11 and I have to tell you that this formula is making my skin look healthy and feel balanced, which is something not easily acheived in my case! Not only does my skin look better, I am so excited to have eliminated a lot of toxic chemicals that I have saturated my skin with for the last couple of decades. My husband and my oldest child are also using it and don't have any complaints.
So here's how I made it: 4 tsp. pure aloe vera gel (about $8) and 1 tsp. jojoba oil (pronounced ho ho ba) (about $6), which is considered safe for all skin types. Mix well. I have added a tiny little vitamin E oil to mine as well. Some nights I add a drop of lime essential oil, which is good for acne and smells fabulous. Tea Tree oil would also work but I have found it to be too drying for my skin. I store it in a small glass jar. This needs to be made in small quantities (just like most homemade cosmetics) since it doesn't contain any preservatives (thank goodness).I purchased these ingredients from Natural Grocers (formerly Vitamin Cottage). BTW- Aloe acts as a natural sunblock for some people. Just be careful when adding citrus essential oils (EO) as they are photosensitive and can cause you to burn more easily. Also, products made with EO's should be stored in glass containers as EO's are incredibly strong and can eat through plastic. This product is a little expensive up front but will make so much product that it is way less in the long run, especially if you compare it to the average face moisturizer's monthly cost.
For all over moisturization, I often use Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. This is something that I cook with and I just scoop some out into a glass dish and keep it in the bathroom. EVCO is amazing stuff. I've attached an article about Coconut Oil which discusses the bad rap that it has received. It's actually part three in a series that I would highly recommend making a study of, especially if you want to learn about a fat that promotes weight loss! I recently discovered a new brand and I LOVE it!!! It is by Jungle Products. It has a completely pure scent and tastes fantastic. Some people in my family like to eat it by the spoonful. I have only found it at Sunflower Market, so far, though. I will work on finding another source.
I thoroughly enjoy finding ways to save money and increase my health. It makes me feel good to use products made by my own hands and positively giddy when they turn out to be far superior. "Our bodies know how to be healthy. We just have to get rid of the interference."
*Links to said resources are embedded within post. Click on words that are a lighter color to be automatically redirected to the site.
Doctrine & Covenants 89: 18-19
"And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures."
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Great article! I'm heading to the health food store tomorrow for Thieves Oil ingredients. If I have any money left, I'm getting jojoba and aloe :D